Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Petite Pads

Many of us, especially those in urban centers, often find ourselves dwelling in small spaces, where we find life a bit too cramped at times. Fortunately, making the most of a small space is one of our favorite design challenges, and here are a few suggestions that might help you get more mileage of little square footage.

Double Duty

We love furnishings that serve more than purpose, and we actually make a lot of them at Hillsdale. Ottomans and beds with built in storage sections are great for keeping pillows, blankets and linens out of the way.

Shelf Help
Add shelves above doorways or windows, whether a single shelf or a whole bookcase to keep books, media and miscellaneous items in check, and ensure even everything has its own place. Also consider vertically stacking shelves as high as possible, putting items that won’t be needed very item on top, in order to maximize storage space. 

Diet Regime
Clutter is the #1 enemy for small spaces. Take a rigid approach and only add things if you’re subtracting them. This is easy with closets—donate or toss one item for every one you add—and can be just as easily applied to home furnishings. Don’t keep the old lamp when you buy a new one if it’s just going to sit in a closet.

Clean Lines
Eliminate visual obstructions, whether they are entire walls, large entertainment centers or superfluous book cases. Allow yourself to see as much of your space as possible (including keeping the floor free from clutter), and it will seem much larger and open than it actually is.

Consider Stripes
…on the ceiling. Painting stripes on the ceiling of a small room or studio apartment can have the same lengthening and widening affect that exposed beams give to a space. Try it out as another way to visually open your space.

Closet Case
Have a half full closet? Consider converting it into an office or nursery space. Book cases, desks and even cribs (when children are infants and toddlers) can often fit into modern closets when they aren’t overflowing with closing items, and it will free up office and corner space in the more important living areas. 

How do you maximize small spaces? Whether square footage is at a premium in your kitchen, bedroom or entire home, what strategies do you use get the most out of it?

(Photography from


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