Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Mirror, Mirror

Want an interesting challenge? Go an entire day without using mirrors to inspect yourself or the world around you (save for in the car, of course; safety first). These days we use them several times throughout the day, often without even thinking about it. But mirrors aren’t just for inspecting your hair or make-up. When used well in interiors, they can both redistribute light throughout a room, making it appear brighter, and visually open it up, making it look much bigger than it actually is.

We all know how to hang a standard mirrors above the sink or dresser, but here are a few more creative ways to inject a bit of mirror intellect into your home.

Headboard Highlighter
Though no one wants to look at their reflection just as they’re waking up in the morning, using a mirror as, or crafting a mirror onto an existing headboard can really open a bedroom, while simultaneously adding a bit of design intrigue to the space. 

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Creative License
Get a little cheeky, or creative, and do something different with the standards. Use paint or other craft items to make your mirror into a piece of art with a practical purpose. We love the idea of using a real hand mirror as a stencil on a mirror in a hallway or powder room.

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Tray Trimming
Repurpose your small or moderate sized mirrors into vanity or coffee table trays for an elegant and stylish alternative to catch-all’s and knick knack displays. They will add a little light to the room and highlight beautiful perfume bottles, jewelry or art books.

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Get Sporty
Don’t just toss or donate that old athletic equipment that’s been upgraded a dozen times since you bought it. Upcycle those with a little nostalgic or pretty antique feeling and create an unusual mirror decoration perfect for a living or guest room. Check out these tennis racket mirrors, but the possibilities are endless—an old canoe as a floor length mirror, perhaps?

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Have you ever used mirrors in a non-traditional place or way? If so, please share! 

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